Want to learn how other instructors implemented digital in their classroom? Whether you are considering incorporating digital solutions in your class or want to take your current digital knowledge to the next level, Cengage Canada's Faculty Partners can help.
Learn more about our current partners below:
Pilon School of Business
Sheridan College
Platforms Used: MindTap, SAM
Talk to me about:
Using the eTextbook in MindTap
Assigning digital for marks
Master course - creating & managing multiple sections
Pilon School of Business
Sheridan College
Platforms Used: SAM
Talk to me about:
Using the eTextbook with SAM
Assigning digital for marks
Master course - creating & managing multiple sections
LMS integration
Inclusive Access
Online Learning Consortium certified
School of Business and Creative Industries
Nova Scotia Community College
MindTap, SAM
Talk to me about:
LMS integration
Assigning digital for marks
Master course - creating & managing multiple sections
School of Management, Economics and Mathematics
King's University College
Platforms Used: CNOWv2
Talk to me about:
Using the eTextbook in Cengage’s online learning platforms
Assigning digital for marks
Master course - creating & managing multiple sections
Department of Language Studies
University of Toronto Mississauga
Platforms Used: MindTap
Talk to me about:
Using the eTextbook in MindTap
No LMS integration
MindTap for languages
Chemistry – Math & Science Department
North Island College
Platforms Used: OWLv2, MindTap
Talk to me about:
Assigning digital for marks
Using the eTextbook in Cengage’s online learning platforms
University of Manitoba
Platforms Used: MindTap
Talk to me about:
Using the eTextbook in MindTap
Assigning digital for marks
Creative teaching techniques & activities with Cengage learning materials
Saint Mary’s University
Platforms Used: MindTap
Talk to me about:
Using the eTextbook in MindTap
Assigning digital for marks
Master course - creating & managing multiple sections
The Business School
Centennial College
Platforms Used: MindTap
Talk to me about:
Using the eTextbook in MindTap
LMS integration
Master course - creating & managing multiple sections
Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Brock University
Platforms Used: MindTap
Talk to me about:
Using the eTextbook in MindTap
Assigning digital for marks
Master course - creating & managing multiple sections
MindTap for languages
Faculty of Business
Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Platforms Used: MindTap
Talk to me about:
Using the eTextbook in MindTap
Assigning digital for marks
Master course - creating & managing multiple sections
Department of Biology
Mount Royal University
Platforms Used: MindTap
Talk to me about:
Using the eTextbook in Cengage’s online learning platforms
Assigning digital for marks
Master course - creating & managing multiple sections
Whether by phone, email or in-person, we’re here for you. A few details and your Cengage Representative will connect us. Let's talk!
Ready to join a team of like-minded Cengage digital advocates? We’ve been looking for you.
You'll be inspired when we surprise our Faculty Partners with letters from their own unforgettable students.