Karen Kampen - University of Manitoba, Sociology

Platforms Used: MindTap

Karen Kampen has been an Instructor in the Department of Sociology and Criminology since 2003. She teaches Introduction to Sociology, Introduction to Research Methods, and Sociology of the Life Course. She received her B.A. at the University of Winnipeg and her M.A. at the University of Alberta. She has a PhD ABD (had to leave studies to care for live-in elderly parent, three young children under 6, and full-time employment). Karen recently co-authored the 7th Edition of Compass for a New Social World with Robert Brym and Lisa Strohschein for Cengage.


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“MindTap is unlike most online [platforms] in that it is more than a study guide. Because it is so extensive and in depth, it can serve as lab-type assignments that work well in online, blended, as well as in person courses. It picks up where the textbook leaves off. Students are hungry for active learning opportunities, and it does so particularly well for increasingly large and diverse classes.”

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